Q. Can I delete my stats on OP.GG?
All summoner stats on OP.GG is based on data provided by Riot Games API, and we strictly comply with their policies.
Our policy does not allow to modifying or deleting your stats based on individual requests unless the data is removed from Riot Games API.
What is Riot Games API?
Riot Games API is the official API that provides access to game data for games such as League of Legends, Valorant, and TFT.
Q. My stats are still visible even after I deleted my League of Legends (Riot) account.
When you delete your League of Legends or Riot account, the summoner data for the deleted account is not removed from Riot Games API and remains accessible.
Therefore, unless the summoner's data is deleted from Riot Games API, it is not possible to modify or delete summoner's stats based on individual requests.