This feature is only available when you link an OP.GG account with your Riot account.
If you haven’t linked your Riot account, click here!
If you haven’t linked your Riot account, click here!
Editing summoner profile
Profile editing by platform
Web (PC /Mobile)
Summoner page profile
Mobile App (iOS/Android)
Summoner page top right
Desktop App
Settings - Account - Edit profile
Add a favorite team
Register your favorite pro team!
- Click the add a favorite team button on your summoner page.
- Select your favorite team and click the save button.
Cover image
- Click on cover image button on your summoner page.
- Choose a cover image and click the save button.
Leave a personalized message for other summoners visiting your summoner page.
- You can’t include specific links or URLs, including offensive language.
- Taglines that receive a certain number of reports may be automatically set to private.
Summoner verification URL
Summoner verification URL is only supported for PC and OP.GG for Desktop.
- Click on the verified summoner URL button on your summoner page.
- The copied URL can be shared in the chat during champion selection to share your stats with your team.
Match memos
You can write and save a memo for each match that are only visible to you.
Summoner page shortcut
Linked summoner accounts will be pinned at the top of the search history for quick access to your summoner page.